sundays after sundays after sundays
sunday has to be one of my favourite days. (not that there are that many to choose from)
it's one of the few days where i can sleep the whole day away without feeling (too) guilty about it.
and for those who might be inclined to skive the housecleaning duties, it's the perfect time to make a batch of cookies or ice-cream.
although i know i probably should catch up on work that's been piling up throughout the week, my three most popular things to do on sunday include:
1) Ironing: yep, there's nothing like ironing 30 work shirts at once (especially when i realise there isn't anything left in my wardrobe on monday, except my 'old uncle' work shirt). i would put a picture here, except that i've worn it already and its current condition is not 'photograph-able'.
2) Sleep: as in regenerative unconsciousness, not as in the other sleep. there's nothing like making up for a couple of frantic 4 hour nocturnal 'naps' in the midst of meeting project deadlines during the week.
Some of signs that tell i'm really tired:
a) an 'out of the body' experience while i'm awake, and feeling detached from my body.
b) experience 'lag' (or 'internet latency') between the time i am thinking of doing something and my body actually doing it.
c) feeling really really exhausted, but being unable to fall asleep when i'm in bed.
yep, i definitely feel more 'alive' after these naps.
3) eat: the quintessential singaporean pastime, to scour the papers and magazine and find the next foodies paradise before the other foodies find it.
the secret i've found is to go for dinner at 630pm (6pm if possible), because the half hour headstart could save about 1-2 hours of waiting time.
if going for lunch, head out to the place at 11am.
i hate crowds when i go shopping. the same applies to eating too.
collateral damage
What's a sign of how productive my week had been?
My 'to do' list:
Observe 'exhibit A"

Looks busy doesn't it?
lots and lots of things to finish up.
the thing though is that the producitivity is measured by the number of things completed, rather than the number of items listed.
as for this comment!
TS Eliot
Friends can be quite strange sometimes.
I can't always figure them out.
A friend once came to my house and as I was giving him a house tour, he came to my home office, looked at me and said "TS Eliot, The Wasteland".
I can't for the life of me figure out what he's talking about.
talk about your weirdo freaks...
it's one of the few days where i can sleep the whole day away without feeling (too) guilty about it.
and for those who might be inclined to skive the housecleaning duties, it's the perfect time to make a batch of cookies or ice-cream.
although i know i probably should catch up on work that's been piling up throughout the week, my three most popular things to do on sunday include:
1) Ironing: yep, there's nothing like ironing 30 work shirts at once (especially when i realise there isn't anything left in my wardrobe on monday, except my 'old uncle' work shirt). i would put a picture here, except that i've worn it already and its current condition is not 'photograph-able'.
2) Sleep: as in regenerative unconsciousness, not as in the other sleep. there's nothing like making up for a couple of frantic 4 hour nocturnal 'naps' in the midst of meeting project deadlines during the week.
Some of signs that tell i'm really tired:
a) an 'out of the body' experience while i'm awake, and feeling detached from my body.
b) experience 'lag' (or 'internet latency') between the time i am thinking of doing something and my body actually doing it.
c) feeling really really exhausted, but being unable to fall asleep when i'm in bed.
yep, i definitely feel more 'alive' after these naps.
3) eat: the quintessential singaporean pastime, to scour the papers and magazine and find the next foodies paradise before the other foodies find it.
the secret i've found is to go for dinner at 630pm (6pm if possible), because the half hour headstart could save about 1-2 hours of waiting time.
if going for lunch, head out to the place at 11am.
i hate crowds when i go shopping. the same applies to eating too.
collateral damage
What's a sign of how productive my week had been?
My 'to do' list:
Observe 'exhibit A"

Looks busy doesn't it?
lots and lots of things to finish up.
the thing though is that the producitivity is measured by the number of things completed, rather than the number of items listed.
as for this comment!
TS Eliot
Friends can be quite strange sometimes.
I can't always figure them out.
A friend once came to my house and as I was giving him a house tour, he came to my home office, looked at me and said "TS Eliot, The Wasteland".
I can't for the life of me figure out what he's talking about.
talk about your weirdo freaks...

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