says a thousand words...
As we go into the weekend, I'd like to offer something light to consider.
as saturday and sunday approach, inevitably the thoughts of what it'd be like to go on a holiday would naturally come to me.
to me photographs have always spoken more than a thousand words.
maybe even a million.
and photography has been more than just a hobby for.
it's a way of capturing memories and maybe even a time machine, allowing me to go back months, years and even decades back to a time when i was experiencing a certain emotion, whether it was happiness, contemplation, or even sadness.
here are 4 photographs from my collection.

This was when we went to Bali about 2 years ago (about 2003). This was right after the Bali bombings, and it was a surreal experience to be on one of the world's most beautiful beaches and have the beach to yourself.
Literally it was just the five of us, David Lim, Pam, her friend, my wife and myself. Our friends Ber Luen and Gwen had come separately and we met up for a beautiful seafood dinner at Jimbaran, next to the beach.
This photo was shot at sunset at Jimbaran.
I'm not sure which was the most enjoyable: the food, the beautiful skyscape or the pleasure of well-loved friends and family.
perhaps the mixture of all three fills me with a rush of joy, contentment and serenity when I look at this photograph.

Greece, ocean waterfront
The photograph was shot during our honeymoon to Greece and Turkey about 2 years ago.
Greece, being a collection of several hundred islands, is an idyllic country with landscapes having a picturebook quality.
i've always wondered how it'd be like to live in a village like this.
sure it looks tranquil and calm, i'm sure i'll get bored out of my brains within a few weeks though!

Stone texture
This was a picture taken of a stone wall in Turkey.
The textures and shadows are as beautiful to me as a landscape or a person.
imagine all the hundreds of years of sand blasting at the brick wall creating those crevasses and cracks. each grain of sand smashing against the surface, a small speck colliding with the inevitable.
in time however, each grain leaves it's mark on the pitted surface, filled with character and marking the presence of the sand.
i imagine myself as a speck of sand, and think about the mark i will leave on the brick of history.

Deep fried soft shell crab
No photo collection would be complete without a picture of food.
There's something magical about eating the shell of a crab.
I'm not sure what it is. perhaps the idea of eating something crispy, perhaps catching the crab when it's most vulnerable in the state of transformation.
Are we prey for something bigger out there?
Will we one day become fodder for some ancient, alien lifeform?
Honestly, we can't worry about what happens next, when every day possesses so much beauty and potential.
While we may not be able to capture every single moment with a camera, the most important moments of our lives will be captured in our mind's eye.
Live long and propser.
as saturday and sunday approach, inevitably the thoughts of what it'd be like to go on a holiday would naturally come to me.
to me photographs have always spoken more than a thousand words.
maybe even a million.
and photography has been more than just a hobby for.
it's a way of capturing memories and maybe even a time machine, allowing me to go back months, years and even decades back to a time when i was experiencing a certain emotion, whether it was happiness, contemplation, or even sadness.
here are 4 photographs from my collection.

This was when we went to Bali about 2 years ago (about 2003). This was right after the Bali bombings, and it was a surreal experience to be on one of the world's most beautiful beaches and have the beach to yourself.
Literally it was just the five of us, David Lim, Pam, her friend, my wife and myself. Our friends Ber Luen and Gwen had come separately and we met up for a beautiful seafood dinner at Jimbaran, next to the beach.
This photo was shot at sunset at Jimbaran.
I'm not sure which was the most enjoyable: the food, the beautiful skyscape or the pleasure of well-loved friends and family.
perhaps the mixture of all three fills me with a rush of joy, contentment and serenity when I look at this photograph.

Greece, ocean waterfront
The photograph was shot during our honeymoon to Greece and Turkey about 2 years ago.
Greece, being a collection of several hundred islands, is an idyllic country with landscapes having a picturebook quality.
i've always wondered how it'd be like to live in a village like this.
sure it looks tranquil and calm, i'm sure i'll get bored out of my brains within a few weeks though!

Stone texture
This was a picture taken of a stone wall in Turkey.
The textures and shadows are as beautiful to me as a landscape or a person.
imagine all the hundreds of years of sand blasting at the brick wall creating those crevasses and cracks. each grain of sand smashing against the surface, a small speck colliding with the inevitable.
in time however, each grain leaves it's mark on the pitted surface, filled with character and marking the presence of the sand.
i imagine myself as a speck of sand, and think about the mark i will leave on the brick of history.

Deep fried soft shell crab
No photo collection would be complete without a picture of food.
There's something magical about eating the shell of a crab.
I'm not sure what it is. perhaps the idea of eating something crispy, perhaps catching the crab when it's most vulnerable in the state of transformation.
Are we prey for something bigger out there?
Will we one day become fodder for some ancient, alien lifeform?
Honestly, we can't worry about what happens next, when every day possesses so much beauty and potential.
While we may not be able to capture every single moment with a camera, the most important moments of our lives will be captured in our mind's eye.
Live long and propser.
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